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24 giugno 2018
Cinema Italia, Polverigi


Il solo Occhio di Bue tratta delle complesse relazioni di potere che si instaurano, durante uno spettacolo, tra un danzatore, un coreografo e il pubblico. Creato originariamente nel 2016, appositamente per l’antico teatrino reale di Agliè (Piemonte), il lavoro è stato successivamente adattato a spazi più tradizionali, dopo il debutto al Festival “Teatro a Corte”.
Quando un danzatore è sul palco, a chi obbedisce? Al coreografo o alla propria logica e istinto? E quando il creatore e l’interprete sono la stessa persona, quale dei due prevale?
Con uno sguardo ironico e leggero, Martini mette in discussione il suo ruolo e la sua posizione nel mondo della danza.

coreografia, performance: Andrea Costanzo Martini
paesaggio musicale:
Andrea Costanzo Martini
Arvo Part, Moondog, Andrea Costanzo Martini
Yoav Barel 

Andrea Costanzo Martini studia Balletto e danza Contemporanea in Italia e Germania. Dopo un breve periodo all’Aalto Staats Theater di Essen si unisce alla Batsheva Dance Company (Israele 2006-2010) e successivamente al Cullberg Ballet (Svezia 2010-2012) e Inbal Pinto D.Company (2012-2014). Nel 2013 ottiene il primo premio per danza e coreografia alla International Solo Dance Competition di Stoccarda e tra il 2014 e il 2016 crea una serie di nuovi lavori tra cui “Tropical-at the end of Words” (2014), “Voglio Voglia” e “Trop” (2015), “Occhio di Bue” (2016) e “SCARABEO, gli angoli e il vuoto” (2016). L’artista, inoltre, collabora con Francesca Foscarini nel duetto “Vocazione all’asimmetria” e insegna regolarmente Workshops di Gaga.

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24 June 2018

Cinema Italia, Polverigi


Andrea Costanzo Martini was born and raised in Italy where he received his first education in contemporary dance and ballet, before starting an international career that has lead him touring all around Europe. He joined the BATSHEVA Ensemble and 2 years later moved to the main Company; he later joined the CULLBERG Ballet in Stockholm where he performed for two years repertoire of Benoit Lachambre, Alexander Ekman ,Crystal Pite, Jefta Van Dinter and Tillman O’Donnel. In 2012 he moved back to Israel where he joined the Inbal Pinto Dance company and started creating his own works.

For What happened in Torino, he was awarded First Prize for both dance and choreography at the International Stuttgart Solo Competition and audience prize at the Mas Danza Festival in Gran Canaria, Spain.

What happened in Torino focuses on the relationship between the body of the performer and the act of being on stage, in a struggle between the search for presence and the feeling of being trapped.

Andrea in this work deals with the Gaze of the other, and on how it affects his way of being.

Being watched as a trigger for pleasure but also as a petrifying force that holds him on place,

under the lights , against his will.

Dramaturgically the piece evolves around a text inspired by an Italian tv sale woman from the 90’s

placing the work in a very precise contest, however not dictating the aesthetics of the movements.

The solo Occhio di Bue (Spotlight) focus on the relationship power between a dancer, a choreographer and the audience. When a dancer is on stage, to whom does he need to obey? To the choreographer or to his instinct? When creator and dancer are the same person, who does prevail over the other?

Martini calls into question, with a lot of irony, his own role in the dance world..

choreographer, performance Andrea Costanzo Martini

sound Andrea Costanzo Martini

music Arvo Part, Moondog, Andrea Costanzo Martini

light Yoav Barel