Tiqqun I studio – nemmeno l’allodola vede l’aperto

tiqquniIl lavoro prende spunto da una frase di Heidegger (“Nemmeno l’allodola vede l’aperto”) e le riflessioni del filosofo sul rapporto umano–animale.

This work was born from a sentence by Heidegger (“Not even the skylark sees the open” )
and some of his thoughts on the relation and difference between human being and animals.
The reflection on human being is analyzed in opposing organicity and form, therefore this is a study on the idea of boundary – in the space and in compositional terms.
Dance is here thought as a composition and a choreography of actions in a flow and continuous exchange between gesture and movement.
Even using   a dance contemporary – western vocabulary the meaning of the oriental saying: “The obstacle is the way” is kept.
To create the physical score actions and reactions of an extreme but very common and everyday relation have been selected and filtered: the sadomasochistic relation in a continuous shift between torturer and victim.
The making of the music has followed a language of construction and not of composition.
The discovery of sounds within the dramaturgical structure follows a process of harmonic analysis and synthesis.
The physical and musical research follows an identical process of creation that goes in the direction of defining a language and a method, remaining although within the frame of ‘liquid forms’.
Tiqqun is a Jewish word and it can be translated with the word Reparation.
Tiqqun is also a group based in Paris: its analysis and criticism of contemporary world has been a source in starting this project.


Movements, physical score, dramaturgy: Daniele Albanese
Original music and assistance / dramaturgy: Maurizio Soliani
Sound processing/devices: Antonio Verderi
Lights: Vincenzo Alterini

Le azioni coreografiche della performance rimandano al rapporto estremo tra vittima e carnefice e conducono allo studio sul Limite‚ nello spazio e nella struttura compositiva.
Emergono atmosfere primitive ed animalesche dai movimenti del corpo‚ sconnessioni e disequilibri. Estrema stilizzazione e gesti limpidi caratterizzano il lavoro di Albanese.


movimento, partitura fisica, drammaturgia: Daniele Albanese
musica originale e assistenza alla drammaturgia: Maurizio Soliani
regia audio, elaborazione suono/devices: Antonio Verderi
luci: Vincenzo Alterini